Endometriosis Specialist

Dunwoody OBGYN
OBGYNs located in North Atlanta, Dunwoody, GA
Millions of women worldwide struggle with endometriosis. Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, in Dunwoody, Georgia, can help you manage your symptoms and find relief. If you struggle with pelvic pain or infertility as a result of endometriosis, the practice can help you explore your treatment options. The right treatment can provide lasting relief. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online.
Endometriosis Q & A
What is endometriosis?
During your menstrual cycle, your body builds up a special lining inside your uterus. This lining, known as the endometrium, provides a place for a fertilized egg to implant. If you don't get pregnant, your body breaks down the lining and flushes it out during your menstrual period.
But in rare cases, your endometrium may grow outside your uterus. Endometrial tissue can develop around your bladder, bowels, ovaries, or fallopian tubes. Sometimes, the endometrium can even spread beyond your pelvic organs and into your abdomen.
This disorder, known as endometriosis, can affect your menstrual cycle and may also cause fertility problems.
What are the symptoms of endometriosis?
Endometriosis symptoms can vary. You may feel a variety of symptoms, depending on where the endometrial tissue is growing. Symptoms of endometriosis might include:
- Abdominal or pelvic pain
- Painful periods
- Pain during intercourse
- Pain when using the toilet
- Heavy bleeding
- Fertility problems
- Nausea and bloating
- Diarrhea and constipation
Endometriosis often causes scar tissue to develop around your pelvic organs. Sometimes, this scar tissue can cause organs to stick together. Scarring caused by endometriosis can be painful and may trigger a wide range of health problems.
How is endometriosis treated?
Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, begins with an in-depth evaluation. First, your provider performs a physical exam, including a pelvic exam. You may also receive blood tests, an ultrasound, or a laparoscopy.
During a laparoscopy, your provider surgically inserts a small camera into your abdomen. This test is the only method that can confirm the presence of endometriosis. Laparoscopy can also determine how far the endometrial tissue has spread.
Once your provider confirms that you have endometriosis, they may prescribe medication. Hormonal medications can slow the growth of endometrial tissue. They can also relieve abnormal bleeding, cramping, and bloating.
Medication isn't always enough to solve the problem. Many women with endometriosis eventually need surgery, which is sometimes performed during your laparoscopy. Your provider may suggest endometrial ablation with NovaSure® or Thermachoice®. These procedures will prevent future pregnancies but don't require the removal of your uterus.
While many treatments can preserve your uterus, some women with endometriosis may need a hysterectomy. Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, can help you decide if surgery is right for you.
Can endometriosis affect my fertility?
Endometriosis often causes female infertility, but that doesn't mean pregnancy is impossible. Your provider can help you assess your chances of getting pregnant.
Removing growths with laparoscopy may restore your fertility long enough for you to conceive and deliver your baby. However, these growths often return over time.
If you have trouble conceiving, your provider can help you explore specialized fertility treatment. These treatments allow many women with endometriosis to expand their family.
For the management and treatment of endometriosis, call Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, today or schedule an appointment online.
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