Pelvic Pain Specialist

Dunwoody OBGYN
OBGYNs located in North Atlanta, Dunwoody, GA
Regardless of severity, pelvic pain can take a toll on your life when it doesn’t go away or gets worse. Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, in Dunwoody, Georgia, encourages you to come in for an appointment before your pain gets worse. An exam can determine the cause and determine treatment for the problem, helping you get back to your activities. To schedule an appointment, call the office or use the online booking feature.
Pelvic Pain Q & A
What causes pelvic pain?
There is often an association between pelvic pain and the reproductive system. But as a generic term, it refers to pain that arises from any problem in your lower abdomen, including connective tissues and the structures that make up your urinary and digestive systems.
You should call Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, when you experience:
- Pelvic pain that’s sudden and severe
- Pelvic pain plus nausea, vomiting, and fever
- Pelvic pain plus bleeding after menopause
- Pelvic pain that is worsening
- Pelvic pain accompanied by bloating
- Pelvic pain plus painful urination
- Pelvic pain that doesn’t go away
Pelvic pain may seem more like pressure than pain or feel like a sharp, stabbing pain. No matter how it feels, if it persists, you should schedule an exam.
What gynecologic conditions cause pelvic pain?
The following are a few of the most common gynecologic causes of pelvic pain.
Endometriosis occurs when tissue that normally lines your uterus gets out of the uterine cavity and starts to grow on structures outside the uterus. These patches, called endometriosis, often develop on the outer uterine wall, your ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
Endometriosis responds to your natural hormones, thickening throughout the month and then breaking down and bleeding inside your abdomen at the same time as your menstrual period but without a way to exit the body. The blood causes scarring, inflammation, and pelvic pain.
Uterine fibroids
Fibroids are noncancerous growths in the wall of your uterus. As the fibroids enlarge, they cause pressure, pain, and heavy bleeding.
Pelvic inflammatory disease
PID is a painful infection that develops in your reproductive organs.
Ovarian cysts
Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop in your ovaries. They may cause pain at any time, but if they rupture, you’ll have sudden, severe pain that needs immediate medical attention.
You may also develop pelvic pain as a side effect of a urinary tract infection (UTI) or sexually transmitted disease (STD). These conditions require swift treatment to prevent complications to your reproductive and general health.
What is the treatment for pelvic pain?
Your physician at Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, may need to perform diagnostic testing to determine the underlying source of your pelvic pain. These tests may include a blood draw or an ultrasound. Your treatment is customized to deal with your diagnosis.
Since there are so many possible reasons for pelvic pain, there are also numerous treatment options. The following are just a few examples.
- Analgesics
- Antibiotics
- Hormonal Medications
- Surgery
If you develop pelvic pain, call Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, or schedule an appointment online.
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