UTI Specialist

Dunwoody OBGYN
OBGYNs located in North Atlanta, Dunwoody, GA
The current statistics report that 40-60% of women have at least one urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetime. Unfortunately, 30% of them will go on to have a second UTI, setting them up for recurring infections that are hard to treat. Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, in Dunwoody, Georgia, has helped many women overcome their symptoms while preventing future UTIs. If you develop symptoms of a UTI, call the office or schedule an appointment online.
What causes a UTI?
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) develop when bacteria get into your urinary tract. These bacteria can cause an infection in your bladder, kidneys, or the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body).
UTIs have names based on the structure they affect:
- Cystitis is a bladder infection
- Urethritis is a urethral infection
- Pyelonephritis is a kidney infection
Cystitis is the most common type of UTI. Women have a four-fold higher risk than men of developing a UTI because it’s easier for bacteria to get from a woman’s anus to her urethra. A woman’s risk also increases following menopause, when a loss of estrogen weakens the urinary tract.
What symptoms develop due to a UTI?
A mild UTI may not cause symptoms. When symptoms appear, you may experience:
- Frequent urination
- Strong need to urinate
- Bleeding during urination
- Passing a small amount of urine
- Strong-smelling urine
- Cloudy, dark, or pink urine
- Lower abdominal or pelvic pain
- Urinary incontinence
Should the infection spread into your kidneys, you also develop body-wide symptoms such as fever, nausea, and pain in your upper back or side.
What is the treatment for a UTI?
The first step is to run a urinalysis to verify you have a UTI. In some cases, your doctor at Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, may need to perform a urine culture to identify the type of bacteria.
The Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, doctors usually treat UTIs with prescription antibiotics. If you have recurring UTIs, however, you may need additional treatment.
Your physician will diagnose recurring UTIs if you have two or more infections in six months or three or more UTIs over a year. Your doctor may prescribe low-dose antibiotics for a longer time than the typical course. You may also need to take a single dose of antibiotics after sexual intercourse.
Postmenopausal women whose recurring UTIs are associated with the loss of estrogen may see a dramatic improvement with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or vaginal estrogen. Many women prevent recurring UTIs by drinking plenty of water to dilute their urine and to flush away bacteria.
When you get early treatment at the first sign of a UTI, you can get quick relief and avoid complications like a kidney infection. Call Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, or schedule an appointment online.
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