IUD Specialist

Dunwoody OBGYN
OBGYNs located in North Atlanta, Dunwoody, GA
More than four million American women currently use IUDs to prevent pregnancy. Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, in Dunwoody, Georgia, offers all the IUD services you need and can insert your IUD right in the office. Afterward, you receive follow-up care and routine exams to keep you healthy. Call the office today or schedule an appointment online.
What is an IUD?
An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small t-shaped piece of plastic or copper. When placed inside the uterus, an IUD helps prevent pregnancy. Your IUD can stay in your body for several years. If you decide to become pregnant, your provider removes the device to restore your fertility.
Several different IUDs are available. Many IUDs contain hormones that help discourage pregnancy, but if you prefer to avoid hormonal contraceptives, you can choose a highly-effective copper IUD.
What are some benefits of an IUD?
Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, offers two types of IUDs: Mirena® and Paragard®. No matter which you choose, the IUD insertion process only takes a few minutes. Once your IUD is in place, it starts working within a week. Your IUD can stay in your body for several years, proving round-the-clock birth control.
Many women like IUDs because they're fuss-free. If you have trouble remembering to take a pill or schedule an injection, an IUD might be right for you. Studies also show that IUDs are over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. That makes IUDs an ideal choice for women who worry about forgetting their pill or having a condom break.
How is my IUD placed?
If you decide to get an IUD, your provider arranges the insertion. They first examine your vagina and cervix. Next, they apply medication to numb your cervix and open it up.
Your provider then uses a special device to insert the IUD through the opening in your cervix. This process usually takes just a few minutes. Once your IUD is in place, your provider lets you know when contraception will kick in. You may need to use a back-up method, like condoms, for a few days.
Some women experience cramping, pain, or dizziness right after their insertion. These side effects usually pass within a few minutes. But you may want to ask someone to drive you home after your appointment.
How often should I see my doctor after getting an IUD?
Even if you have an IUD, you need regular exams and screenings. Most women should visit Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, at least once a year for preventive care. Your provider can let you know when to schedule your next appointment.
Keep in mind that an IUD only prevents pregnancy; it doesn't offer any protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). You may still need to use condoms or other safer-sex methods. Your provider can give you more information about STD prevention.
For more information on IUDs, call Dunwoody OB/GYN, LLC, today, or schedule an appointment online.
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